Revolutionary War Reenactment Groups

Are you interested in joining a Revolutionary War reenactment group? We've compiled a list of the best groups near you!

Revolutionary War Reenactors

Revolutionary War Reenactment Groups by State

Revolutionary War Reenactment Groups Groups by State
Reenactment Group State Impression
33rd Regiment of Foot CA British
6th Connecticut Regiment CT Continental
5th Connecticut Regiment CT Continental
2nd Company Governors Footguard CT Continental
First Continental Regiment of Foot DE Continental
13th Continental Regiment Rehoboth Minutemen DE Continental
42nd Royal Highlanders IN British
Yarmouth Minutemen Cape Cod MA Continental
The Stow Minutemen MA Continental
The Lexington Minute Men MA Continental
The Acton Minutemen MA Continental
First Foot Guards MA British
Boxborough Minutemen MA Continental
Bedford Minutemen Company MA Continental
2nd Massachusetts Regiment MA Continental
14th Continental Glover's Marblehead Regiment MA Continental
10th Regiment of Foot MA British
1st Maryland Regiment MD Continental
The 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment and 43rd Regiment of Foot NA British,Continental
Second Continental Light Dragoon's NA American
Rogers Rangers NA British
Reenacting Von Bose NA
Brigade of the American Revolution NA British,Continental
7th Regiment of Foot, Royal Fuziliers NA British
6th NC Regiment NA Continental
4th Legionary Corps NA Continental
2nd North Carolina Regiment NA Continental
2d Regiment Light Dragoons Tallmadge's Troop NA Continental
Second New Jersey Regiment, Helms' Company NJ Continental
24th Regiment of Infantry NY British
1st Ulster County Militia NY Continental
6th Pennsylvania Regiment PA Continental
1st Pennsylvania Regiment PA Continental
Le Régiment Bourbonnais RI French
2nd South Carolina Regiment SC Continental
First Virginia Regiment VA Continental
7th Virginia Regiment
Organization has hosted events within last 12 months globe-icon
VA Continental
Spirit of 76 Living History Association
Organization has hosted events within last 12 months globe-icon
Reenactment Group State Impression

Revolutionary War reenactments are a great way to learn about and experience history firsthand. These living history events typically involve campsites, cooking, battles, and other activities that would have been common during the Revolutionary War period. Many reenactment groups strive for authenticity in both their appearance and their behavior. As a result, joining a Revolutionary War reenactment group can be a great way to get an immersive and educational experience.

There are a few different ways to find a Revolutionary War reenactment group near you. One option is to attend a Revolutionary War Reenactments  near you and introduce yourself to a unit. You can also check with your local historical society or museum. Aside from these, we've also compiled a good list to check out below. Once you've found a few potential groups, take some time to research each one to find the best fit. Consider things like the group's size, level of commitment, and whether they focus on education or recreation. Once you've joined a group, you'll be well on your way to experiencing Revolutionary War history!

If looking to dive into reenacting, be sure to speak to a unit before making purchases. Many units have loaner gear or special requirements. Check out our guide on How to Join a Reenactment Group.