Marine Raider Museum

Step into History at Marine Raider Museum
The Marine Corps Raider Museum is located on Marine Corps Base Quantico. The museum features large displays that tell the story of the Raiders. Some notable features include the first Japanese flag captured during the World War 2. This particuar flag was captured during the famous Makin Island Raid of 1942. There are also many firearms, equipment, and uniforms that give visitors a glance into the history of the raiders. To visit the museum, you must contact the museum ahead of time.
Historical Associates has put together detailed directions to the museum. Check out their website for more information.
Directions to the Marine Raider Museum
Going North:
Traveling from Richmond, Va., north towards Washington, D.C., on Interstate 95, get off the Interstate at Exit 148. At the bottom of the hill, turn left. Go 1.5 miles to the Sentry Booth.
Going South:
Traveling from the Washington, D.C. area south on Interstate 95, take Exit 148. At the bottom of the hill turn right. Go 1.3 miles to the Sentry Booth.
At the Sentry Booth:
You will need to show your driver's license and tell them where you are going. Your destination is Raider Hall or MACE (the Martial Arts Center of Excellence) to visit the U. S. Marine Raider Museum. The Sentry may not be aware of these specific locations but tell him they are by TBS (The Basic School).
From the Sentry Booth:
Keep straight for 1.6 miles to the intersection at the Fire Department. (There is a water tower on the right at this intersection.) Turn left at the Fire Department and keep straight for 2.8 miles. At the stop sign, turn left. Go .2 mile to the next stop sign. Keep straight and drive up onto the parade deck/parking lot. At the top of the hill, Raider Hall will be located to your extreme left, at the end of the parking area.
Reserved Spots:
There are several reserved spots at the end of the area reserved for visitors going to the Martial Arts Training Center (Raider Hall); you may use these if you like.
A Word of Caution:
When you visit the base, obey the speed limit and directional signs. When they say 35 MPH, they mean 35 MPH!
Gung Ho!
Image Citation - Leonard J. DeFrancisci, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons
Marine Raider Museum does not have any events listed here. If you would like to add one contact us.


Last Updated On: 4/29/2021 5:12:52 AM
Last Updated By: Milsurpia Admin