Fort Branch Site

Oak City, North Carolina
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Step into History at Fort Branch Site

The Fort Branch Civil War Site in Hamilton, North Carolina is an important historical landmark that was once a military installation used by the Confederates during the Civil War. The site was constructed in 1862 and was the site of a small engagement in December of 1864. Today, the site consists of several earthworks and remnants of the fortifications that make up the fort’s structure. Visitors to the area can explore many features like powder magazines, breastworks, and redoubts located around the site. In addition, history buffs can learn about life during wartime through interpretive panels, which provide interesting facts about soldiers’ diets, clothing, weapons and other details from the era. The Fort Branch Civil War Site is an incredible reminder of America's past and provides insight into how brave men and women fought to protect their nation during one of its most tumultuous times in history.

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2883 Fort Branch Road
Oak City, North Carolina
Lat: 35.92, Long: -77.1
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Last Updated On: 1/18/2023 2:09:34 PM
Last Updated By: Milsurpia Admin