Badger Knife Club
The Badger Knife Club is an organization devoted to knife appreciation, education, and knowledge. Those in the Club come together to learn more about the history of knives, sharpen their skills in knife making and repair, and connect with other members who share a passion for these versatile tools. They meet often to exchange tips and techniques, show off new creations, and gain insight from seasoned veterans. The mix of skill levels among the members provides an encompassing atmosphere that caters to novices as well as experts in the field. With its comprehensive approach to learning about knives, The Badger Knife Club is a great place for anyone looking to explore this unique craft.
Badger Knife Club does not have any events listed here. If you would like to add one contact us.
Last Updated On: 12/16/2022 6:07:00 PM
Last Updated By: Milsurpia Admin