Iowa Your Ultimate Guide to Civil War Reenactments

Explore the most thrilling Civil War Reenactments. Find schedules, locations, and key performers. Plan your adventure today to witness spectacular battlefield displays and immerse yourself in Civil War history..

Civil War ReenactmentS

Iowa Civil War Reenactment Schedule


Civil War reenactments first began during the Civil War itself, when both Union and Confederate soldiers would stage mock battles in order to train for actual combat. However, these reenactments were not open to the public. It wasn't until the early 20th century that reenactments became a popular form of entertainment. The first major public reenactment was held in 1911 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. Today, Civil War reenactments are held all over the United States, and they continue to be a popular way to learn about this significant period in American history.

Every year, thousands of Americans take part in reenactments of the Civil War. These living history events allow people to step back in time and experience what life was like during the 1860s. Participants often stay in character throughout the event, sleeping in period-appropriate tents and eating food cooked over an open fire. Reenactments are typically held on battlefields or other historic sites, and they often include authentic period dress, weapons, and equipment. Some reenactments are large-scale events that involve hundreds of participants, while others are more intimate affairs with only a few dozen people. No matter their size, each civil war reenactment provides a unique opportunity to learn about America’s past.

Civilians: In addition to soldiers, reenactments often feature civilian encampments, where people can learn about the day-to-day lives of those who lived through the Civil War. For many, taking part in a reenactment is a way to connect with their ancestors and gain a greater understanding of American history.

Tactical Reenactment: Some reenactments will be listed as "tactical" or "private". These events are closed to the public and open to reenactors only. Many reenactors enjoy immersing themselves in the period and there just weren't any spectators with smart phones in the 1860's.

Sutlers: You will often see information regarding sutlers on various websites and event listings. A sutler is generally known as a person who followed an army selling their wares.