Mid-Atlantic Air Museums World War 2 Weekend

Experience an unforgettable Air Show at Mid-Atlantic Air Museums World War 2 Weekend
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PLEASE NOTE: The Mid-Atlantic Air Museums World War 2 Weekend is not organized by Milsurpia. Milsurpia is an event directory. All questions pertaining to the event should be directed to the venue or organizer
Mark your calendars today so you don't miss the next Mid-Atlantic Air Museums World War 2 Weekend in Reading, Pennsylvania in June
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MAAM World War 2 weekend is one of the best events on the eastern seabord. The event is always on D-Day weekend so its easy to plan around. There is a pretty large militaria show section so bring some cash if thats your thing. Always great warbirds flying around. Only complaint is many of the well known World War 2 warbirds are so busy flying paid rides you can't get a chance to see them up close.