MVCC Camp Plymouth Spring Meet

Largest annual event for ex-military vehicles (MVs) in the West. All types welcome, any condition and former nation of service. No admission or parking fees. No MV registration or fee. No vendor fee but all sellers must rent a site in either campground. RVs, travel trailers, cabins at 49er Village RV Resort. We have a group discount there if reservation goes through us. No tent camping there. The tent campground is at the adjacent Amador County Fairgrounds. Mostly dry sites there. Use reservation form available on our website. Vehicle parts and militaria sellers and HMVs are in both campgrounds. Visitor parking and trailer storage is at fairgrounds. OK to drive MVs at the event. Official start is Wednesday April 19, OK to arrive earlier. Goes through Saturday at 5 pm. Sunday is a pull-out day, not a show day. Themed MV showcases Friday: Military Dodges, WW2 Jeeps, and Military Motorcycles, Scooters, Bicycles. Offsite MV excursion, women's activities, MV offsite Poker Rally. Promoted by the Military Vehicle Collectors of California. Public is welcome. See event details, campsite reservation form, activities schedule, flyers, a golf cart rental program, and RV/travel trailer rental ideas and discount at
Please Note: Event goes to Saturday 5 pm. Sunday is a pull-out day and not a show day. Please check organizer's website for more information.

The largest regional historic military vehicle club (HMV) in North America since 1977. Non-profit corporation dedicated to the acquisition, restoration, preservation, safe operation, public education, and display of historic military transport. Activities are in Northern and Central CA but we have members throughout CA and in 21 other states plus Canada. Promoter of the Camp Plymouth Military Vehicle Show and Swap Meet every April in Plymouth, CA, the largest annual HMV event west of the Mississippi. Free admission! We promote the second largest one in September normally at the same venue. Local events supported by members include parades, public displays, and social driving events. HMV ownership or CA residency is not required. Members receive large, monthly print newsletters with optional electronic one with color pictures, member card, optional name badge. This hobby is perfect for those who like to drive slow and never wax their vehicle. See for club and event information. Check out the Photo Gallery with member pictures at events going back many years.
PLEASE NOTE: The MVCC Camp Plymouth Spring Meet is not organized by Milsurpia. Milsurpia is an event directory. All questions pertaining to the event should be directed to the venue or organizer
Mark your calendars today so you don't miss the next MVCC Camp Plymouth Spring Meet in Plymouth, California in April